Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello from Alaska!!!!!!!!!!

Haven't been doing too much here. The weather has been weird and continues to destroy the snow of valid boarding conditions. We're headed to a mountain range this weekend to do some back country boarding, skiing and sledding. We're hoping the higher elevation has received some good powder.

A couple weeks ago we attended the Beer and Barely Wine festival. It's held in a huge auditorium and all local brewers and big national brewers all come together and offer samples of their beer. You get a glass and 30 tickets once you get there and you can pick any beer you want and you get a sample glass for the cost of 1 ticket.... bottom line, it's a drunk fest on delicious, usually expensive and unique beer. It's fairly hard to finish all 30 tickets.

I've been seriously considering getting a boat this year. There's a boat show this weekend that I'll be going to; It'll likely be the push I need to go for it.

After missing out on a couple things last summer and fall that we wanted to do, I decided to plan ahead this year. The other day I planned out EVERY weekend from May to the end of Oct :)

Most of our time lately has been invested in Tundra. He is the best puppy ever!!! He is a huge escape artist tho. Not only can he claim over the gate we bought to keep him in the kitchen only 1 day after getting it, he now cal climb over the doggy door we installed to keep him in the dog room. He's also a very smart puppy. We were debating between having him fixed and breeding him, but I think I'm leaning toward breeding now (we want another one just like him later on and a dog this beautiful and smart is desirable!). I guess we'll cross that bridge later. By the way, he farts a lot... and it stinks!!!!!!

This is a video of Tundra doing his tricks. Keep in mind, he isn't even 3 months yet! He also heals easily while on a walk, plays fetch really well, has been potty trained for quite a while, sleeps all night, loves people, loves other dogs, and lots more. The one thing we don't like is that he chaces Angel.

Here's the escape artist