Thursday, April 15, 2010

can't make an update with out pics!

A picture of our April 14th snowfall!

Angel watching animal planet.

She is determined to get that damn squirrel!
Less than 2 months until we're in IoWa!!!!!!!!!!

bLaH!!! More snow!!

Hey there! We woke up to a fresh layer of snow this morning! It snowed ALL day, I believe it's still coming down-- big 'ol flakes! My poor kiddos have been leaving their winter gear at home and came in from recess soaked today! We put together a skit for our school assembly today. We are focusing on the 5-2-1-almost none health/exercise program and we volunteered to make up and perform a skit for the entiiiiiiire school! I think I was the most nervous...bright red face! We have been practicing and putting props together for a few weeks now--- THEY DID GREAT! I'm super proud of them!

We don't have any cool pictures to put up, we actually didn't do much last weekend. We went to the Sportsmans Show. It was a huge 4-day event. There were vendors, guides, ....basically anything you could possibly need to enjoy the outdoors in Alaska. Boats (river and ocean), ATVs, guns, fishing gear, smokers, hunting guides, flight guides/tours, .......I can go on and on. We spent a good few hours there looking around and pushing through the crowd. We didn't buy anything though! Although a woman had me sold on a holster for our hand gun... it happened to be the one she was modeling.. the seller was the fact that it is comfy and convenient for horse back riding as well! BUUUT it was pretty pricey! We were both sold on a SAWWEEEEET hunting pack that is basically a freakin transformer... day pack, meat storage bags, water bladder, adjustable this and that. They packed 80lbs of salt bags in it and had Adam try it out--- it was basically...awesome. BUUUUT expensive! We left empty-handed and added more things to our "to buy" list!

The only pictures I have taken this week are of my kiddos--but of course I can't post those! AND Angel being silly... I will have to upload them tomorrow! I will also upload a picture of our beautiful winter wonderland. (And I was so excited--I could actually see a corner of our backyard yesterday!)

We have a busy couple of weekends planned. Girls' night/boys' night this weekend. "Pedi" party for us.. pedicure party. Drinkin wine while getting our nails done!

Also-- did I tell ya the SBA (standards based assessment)--- (ITBS Iowa Tests of Basic Skills of Alaska) went very well. Of course I don't have the results back....honestly I don't even care to see the results. It was successful because I only had 1 minor breakdown during the 3 days. This test is WAY too hard for the 3rd graders, mainly because they have to sit all morning. Also because a majority of mine are either English Language Learners or Special Education kiddos, which means they don't have the skills to read the questions... let alone understand vocabulary they've never even heard. "Mrs. Harris, what is a wasp?" Poor things--I was exhausted just watching them and trying to comfort them. ALL of them have worked so hard this year and have made great progress and then this SBA/test comes along to squash their confidence! BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Thanks for listening.... or reading. Check for pictures soon!

Happy Spring!... kinda

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Past Flat Top--- to the next peak!

So... we're addicted! We went back to Flat Top and hiked up to the next was so worth the 2+ hour hike through the snow! Here are some pictures and a video. We had the brilliant idea to take a plastic tobogan to slide down on..... all four of us and Cheena were FLYING down the mountain. Cheena bailed... so we all bailed---there were arms and legs everywhere! It was NOT a brilliant idea, considering you "sled" uncontrollably on your bottom....w/o a plastic sled in the first place! Adam and I were actually saying we're not ready for the snow to leave yet! eeeekkk!

There are pussi-willows! It was an amazing sight, like seeing the first robin of spring in Iowa!

So after the big crash, the boys decided to get back on! They are dangerous together!

This is me... looking DOWN on Flat Top mountain! crazy huh!?!?


The boys being goofy!

Cheena Cheena!


Cheena was all tuckered out..she was asleep before we started driving!

The video of the nutso boys, taking strike two on the tobagan! Listen carefully... you can hear them yelling-- "OH Shit... we gotta bail!" And then there is a huge POOF of snow! hahahah